Focus on the Family – Discipline resources from the heart.

In their book which they recently discussed on Focus on the Family, Jim and Lynne Jackson teach parents how to leverage kids’ misbehavior as opportunities to build lasting wisdom and character, and bring God’s grace to life. They have also been featured presenters at Set Apart, MomCon, and Hearts at Home.


Discipline That Connects with Your Child’s Heart is an exploration of how to give your best disciplinary effort by breathing life into these four messages, Child, you are:

  • Safe with me!
  • Loved no matter what you do.
  • Capable of wise choices, and Called into God’s purposes.
  • Responsible to make right what you’ve made wrong – to truly reconcile.


These messages are the core of their ministry, Connected Families, founded in 2002 to bring uncommon grace and truth to those parents longing for more than simple answers and quick fixes. This is done through coaching, workshops and online seminars like the upcoming “Siblings: From Bickering to Bonding.”


Jim and Lynne Jackson have conducted over 1,300 workshops for parents and privately coached more than 1,000 parents since the early 1990s. They are media spokespeople for a variety of parenting issues, frequently speaking at churches and parenting conferences. In 2002, they began Connected Families which exists to bring uncommon grace and truth to those parents longing for more than simple answers and quick fixes. they are committed to bringing you content that will challenge, encourage, and equip you to be the thoughtful and confident parent you long to be. The Jacksons have three children and live in Minnesota.
