DISNEY Takes Money from Passholders Bank Accounts- Overcharging with Surprise Incorrect Fees all at Once

DISNEY Takes Money from Passholders Bank Accounts- Overcharging with Surprise Incorrect Fees all at Once

If you got a surprise withdrawal from DISNEY taken directly from your bank account today you are not alone- Friday Morning hundreds of thousands of Disney’s Annual Passholder got surprised with money debited directly from their bank accounts some in the hundreds , some in the thousands of dollars amount. Most are given the run around when asking for answers and clarification (even given a non working number) or send to a pre-recorded message.

Family of Annual Passhoders on a rainy day at Magic Kingdom
Is Raining Surprise Fees for Disney’s Monthly Payment Annual Passholders

The Passholders affected were mostly those subscribed to the loyalty monthly payment program for Florida residents.

A senior on a fixed income on social security who had just send her utility bills and rent payments is worried that these payments will Bounce because of a surprise fee withdrawal directly from her bank account from WDW company in the amount of $158.16 , which accounts for the amount of 3 or 4 of her monthly payments for Disney’s annual pass taken all at once. She used to get debited 35 dollars every 12th of the month prior to Coronavirus closings in Central Florida, now she is worried her rent check will bounce due to this surprise fee taken directly from her bank account without previous notification by Walt Disney World.

She is not the only one, a parent of 4 got debited the amount of $108.00 by surprise the same day and he had just payed his rent as well , amid having less income due to COVID-19. If the problem doesn’t get fixed on time his account could get bombarded with overdraft fees.

He tried to call the passholder number (407-939-7277) because he needs the money and just like the senior , got give a phone number to call that doesn’t even work. (888-701-4100).

Another passholder posted on social media that her account s overdraft in the amount of $700 due to Disney incorrectly taking the amount f $664.57 off her bank by surprise , incorrectly and without previous notification.

Lots of social media posts on Disney’s annual passholder page prove the huge amount of impact this incorrect charges are taking a toll in the overall image of the company whos reputation for mistreating passholders recently ( Specially those who paid Platinum ) is not on good terms . Lots of people comented on how unhappy they are with this fees and the impotence of helping themselves when trying to do something about it.

We called the company’s number and got an automated message saying that they are aware of the issue and are working on it.
But how about those that will incur in overdraft fees or gets checks bounced because of today’s incorrect charge reflects them having insufficient funds???

When we contacted the WDW Communications Team this is all they had to say:

“Passholders on the monthly payment program were incorrectly charged today. We are in the process of reversing these charges and apologize for the inconvenience this caused.” Thank you, WDW Communications

A very vague answer to a huge issue… What we know is that some people are desperate because that money taken incorrectly was needed for something else that will take care of the cost of living for many right now. Some people are so upset that are posting that after this -they are done with the company and will cancel their annual pases to Disney .